




Polarity Therapy is a system of energy medicine developed by Dr. Randolph Stone over the course of sixty years, starting in 1912. Dr. Stone was a skilled chiropractor, naturopath and osteopathic physician. He sought to combine methods that would support lasting change in his clients, and, to that end, he studied numerous forms of eastern medicine. He blended concepts from Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and various types of folk medicine to create Polarity Therapy.

The work uses touch to balance positive, negative and neutral poles of the body in order to facilitate release. Polarity also harmonizes the balance of the five elements of the body: Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth, which are represented by different regions of the body and corresponding themes in our lives.

This unique form of energy healing enables you to access and unwind the origins that create physical, mental and emotional symptoms. In addition to working with your body, you are supported with verbal communication, reflective listening and home practices.


The body is a whole comprised of many relationships between its parts, both on a physical and energetic level. You and the practitioner co-create goals for your session or series of sessions. Based on this discussion, the practitioner will identify which related parts of the body and which elements need balancing and support.

The client lies clothed on a massage table, or in the comfort of their own space. The practitioner scans the body and perceives where relationships and blockages reside. Rocking, shaking and light pressure between two areas may be used to help alleviate energetic restrictions. With intuitive touch and dialoguing techniques, the practitioner brings elements and polarities into alignment, and your body into a greater sense of wholeness.

Polarity Therapy forms the foundation of all of the energy work performed at LunaSoul Energy Journey.



Healing can happen anywhere, and we can touch each other's lives at a distance. Can you feel it when a loved one far away is sad? Do you ever say a prayer or set an intention for someone and it seems to help? We are all connected through a vast energy field, through which we can sense and affect others who are not right in front of us. Long distance energy work taps into this network.  

All of the techniques described on this website can be accomplished long distance. In fact, without physical barriers and boundaries, an amazing openness in connection frequently occurs that allows for deeper exploration and healing possibilities.

An initial phone conversation establishes your goals. The practitioner provides you with visual cues to begin the session. The practitioner may guide the client through visualization or somatic techniques while she senses and works on imbalances and blockages. Imagery, words, and other guidance often appear to the practitioner, and at times also the client, during a session. The practitioner often uses the energy of stones, oils and smudging to help the client. Time is allowed to discuss the work, the imagery and the client's experience, and to make recommendations for ongoing self-care.

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Access Consciousness Bars

The Bars are a system of energy medicine which provide a complete reset of your thought patterns and limiting beliefs. By touching 32 points on the head, the practitioner facilitates release of these old, stuck ways of being. These can include beliefs that have been implanted in us by others, perhaps that we took on at a young age. We all carry limiting beliefs such as those pertaining to money, aging, health, connection and joy.

Bars sessions not only focus on the release of limiting patterns, but also on the element of receiving. They help us to lower our barriers and allow another person to give their gifts to us. Learning to receive is essential for inviting in more of what you want in your life. The Bars helps you to receive all that is available to you, in this life and across all space and time.